By Christine Samwaroo, Founder of The Breadfruit Collective
2020 was unlike any other year we have experienced; it will go down in the history books as one to be remembered. The COVID 19 pandemic is considered a zoonotic disease. This virus speaks towards human interaction with nature. When we think of 2021, we have to think of actions related to the environment and biodiversity. Under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD), this year signals the commencement of plans for the next ten years of biodiversity protection, under the theme “Ecosystem Restoration.” As a result of climate change and habitat destruction, the rate of animal extinction is higher than any other time in recorded history.
As we begin to plan for 2021, we’re forced to re-examine our relationship with the natural world. Ecosystem-based solutions provide creative ways to work with natural systems to tackle environmental issues. For far too long, the natural world has been destroyed to increase economic development. Ecosystem-based solutions provide means of working with the natural systems and understanding ways to maximize biodiversity in the planned development. For example, increasing the amount of green infrastructure such as trees, gardens in urban development.
Guyana is uniquely positioned to lead the way in regards to biodiversity protection. The country has a long history of biodiversity conservation. The COVID 19 pandemic has served as a wake-up call on zoonotic diseases and the importance of proper management of trade and consumption of wildlife, and the importance of land use planning to reduce deforestation. The environment directly affects human life and it is the time for countries to set stronger targets that center biodiversity in all developmental activities. Let’s go!
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